Sunday, March 1, 2015

Slice of Life Day 1: The best laid plans

With so much going on in my life right now I doubt I'll have any trouble coming up topics to write on each day this month, and even beyond. Today I had no problem at all knowing exactly what to share. 

I feel as though as a teacher I should know that even with a perfectly laid out lesson, or a well thought out unit plan something always goes wrong. I know that with a lesson but I seem to have trouble remembering that life lesson when it comes to life outside the classroom.

I am getting married in October of this year, and have been engaged since last May. I was able to book my first choice photographer and we quickly set a date for our engagement photos. Well those photos have yet to happen.

Originally they were scheduled for November 2014, and it rained. Then January 2015, and it snowed. So I was hoping beyond hope as our newly rescheduled date which was today approached that everything would fine. Well clearly mother nature is out to get us judging by the wintery mix falling outside my window. My fiance and I were preparing to drive down to Yorktown (he is from the area and wanted to have pictures done down there to represent a little bit of him since we are having the ceremony up here) yesterday when we started seeing increasingly awful weather reports. We made the gut wrenching decision to reschedule AGAIN.

As I sit here watching it sleet/snow/freezing rain outside my window, and hearing about the rain that is falling in Yorktown I know that we made the right decision, but that doesn't make it any easier. It makes me realize yet again how little control we have over some things.While logically I know that we will get the photos taken, and everything will be okay, the somewhat bridezilla emotional side of me is losing it.

So I am going to attempt to do something productive with my day. I will grade book reviews, plan out my week, and hopefully (fingers crossed) be able to run some errands. 


  1. Ugh! This weather stinks and I'm sorry you had to reschedule yet again! It will be worth it to have the pictures you want. I'm so excited your slicing with us!!! Welcome to the challenge! :)

  2. WOW - I'm so sorry to hear of your photo reschedules. Capturing this happy time in your life is important and even though the photos have had to be rescheduled I still hear the happiness in your voice! Enjoy the journey. You will have stories to tell! My mother still tells the stories of the horrible weather on her Nov. 29 wedding day 56 years ago!

    I look forward to LEARNING and GROWING with you during this Slice of Life Story Challenge.


  3. Darn that Mother Nature! I'm sorry to hear of your weather woes, but I'm glad you made the decision to be safe! Welcome to the SOL Challenge!!


  4. That would be so disappointing. I am sorry to hear that happened. Maybe once it works out you will love the day and how they turned out that you will be able to look back and say, "That's why it was meant to work out the way it did." In the long run, once you have your photos, it will be a funny story to look back on.
