Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Slice of Life Day 11: I Think I Hate Writing

I think I hate to write. I'm not sure what I get out of it. Half the time it's not cathartic or eye opening.  It's just a hassle.


  1. I'm curious what drew you in to being a middle school English teacher. Was it a love of literature? When I was doing my undergraduate, they recommended discourse studies as the English degree option for those who wanted to be teachers. That was a mixture of writing and literature. If that wasn't the expectation, I probably would have gone with literature, rather than a blend. Now I do enjoy writing more. I think by pushing myself out of my comfort zone and by expanding my understanding as what "counts" as writing.

    The other thought that your slice made me think of was the Donald Graves saying "I hate writing, but I love having written."

  2. Hmmm...interesting. I have been there! I'm glad you showed up...either way. I'm wondering if this blogging everyday is giving you a different perspective on writing and how it's affecting you as a teacher?

    1. Michelle
      I promise I don't actually hate writing. This blog has been so much fun I just don't think I'm in a place to handle it everyday. I want to keep blogging and find my niche. I wrote a longer post today explainin what I meant by thit post. I'm going to chalk this post up to a mid week slump on top of allergies and stress.

    2. Michelle
      I promise I don't actually hate writing. This blog has been so much fun I just don't think I'm in a place to handle it everyday. I want to keep blogging and find my niche. I wrote a longer post today explainin what I meant by thit post. I'm going to chalk this post up to a mid week slump on top of allergies and stress.
